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  • Ryan Babel scored his first international goal in his debut match on 26 Mar 2005

Football player Ryan Babel

Ryan Miguel Guno Babel
Ryan Babel
Born on 19 December 1986 (age 38)

National team appearances of Ryan Babel

TeamPeriodCapsCapt.Sub. inSub. offGoalsPen.Goals/ Caps

Player stats by club

Clubs of footballerPeriodCapsCapt.Sub. inSub. offGoalsPen.Goals/ Caps
Player stats by competition
Goals/ Caps
Career highlights
Match dateOpponent teamEventAge
26 Mar 2005
debut; first goal18 years 3 months 7 days
6 Sep 2018
50th cap31 years 8 months 18 days
Record of national team matches played by Ryan Babel
National teamPlayedWonDrawnLostGoals ForGoals AgainstWinning Percentage

Ryan Babel's international caps