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This day in European football history - November 25

Born on this dayDied on this dayClubs foundedVenues opened
What happened on November 25
Former England footballer Gilbert Smith was born today. He made his debut for national team in 1893 and earned 20 caps, scoring 11 goals. Date of his death: December 6, 1943.
International footballer Otto Harder was born 131 years ago. He played 15 matches for Germany national team and scored 13 goals. Died on March 4, 1956, aged 63 years.
Birthday of the international referee Victor Sdez from France, who refereed 10 football games of European national teams The referee died on November 24, 1977.
International football referee Edvard Šoštarić from Yugoslavia is born on this day. He refereed matches of European national football teams (9 games in total).
Johnny Rep, former Netherlands national football team player (42 caps and 12 goals), born this day.
72 years ago, the former Scotland football player Alan Rough is born. He appeared for 53 matches in total for Scotland.
Estadio Olímpico Atahualpa was opened in Quito. The venue hosted 5 football matches of European national teams.
Robert McColl passed away at the age of 82. He played for Scotland national team in period from 1896 to 1908 (13 caps and 13 goals). Born on April 13, 1876.
Former Northern Ireland football referee William Hamilton died this day at the age of 78. He officiated in matches of national football teams. Born on April 20, 1899.
Birthday of the Slovenia football referee Slavko Vinčić, who was an official at 31 international games of European association football teams.
Birthday of Xabi Alonso, who played for Spain national team in period 2003-2014 (114 caps and 16 goals).
Andorra footballer Sergi Moreno is born today. He made his debut for national team in 2004 and earned 76 caps, scoring 1 goal.
International footballer Karlen Mkrtchyan is born 35 years ago. He played 56 matches for Armenia national team and scored 2 goals.
Günter Männig passed away aged 80. He was a well-known international football referee from East Germany. Date of his birth: June 22, 1928.
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