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This day in European football history - May 20

Born on this dayDied on this dayClubs foundedVenues opened
What happened on May 20
Former Netherlands footballer Mannes Francken was born today. He made his debut for national team in 1906 and earned 22 caps, scoring 17 goals. Died on November 19, 1948, aged 60 years.
International footballer Johann Horvath was born 120 years ago. He played 46 matches for Austria national team and scored 29 goals. Date of his death: July 30, 1968.
International football venue Estadio de Mestalla was inaugurated in Valencia. Since opening, 33 games of European national football teams were played on the stadium.
Former England national team player John Goodall died on this day aged 78. He earned 14 caps and scored 12 goals in total. Date of his birth: June 19, 1863.
Walter Ulbricht Stadion was opened in Berlin. The venue hosted 13 football matches of European national teams.
Belarus and Russia referee Vadzim Zhuk is born 71 years ago. He is known to have officiated 22 international matches of European teams during the period from 1984 to 1997.
Birthday of the international referee Michał Listkiewicz from Poland, who refereed 14 football games of European national teams
International football referee Serge Muhmenthaler from Switzerland is born on this day. He refereed matches of European national football teams (15 games in total).
Pål Jacobsen, former Norway national football team player (42 caps and 13 goals), born this day.
Birthday of the England football referee Dermot Gallagher, who was an official at 11 international games of European association football teams.
59 years ago, the Romania football player Miodrag Belodedici is born. He appeared for 55 matches in total and scored 5 international goals for Romania.
Birthday of Peter Artner, who played for Austria national team in period 1987-1996 (55 caps and 1 goal).
Moldova footballer Serghei Cleşcenco is born today. He made his debut for national team in 1991 and earned 69 caps, scoring 11 goals. He was also a national team manager.
International footballer Serghei Rogaciov is born 46 years ago. He played 52 matches for Moldova national team and scored 9 goals.
Iker Casillas, Spain national football team player (167 caps), born this day.
41 years ago, the Czech Republic football player Petr Čech is born. He appeared for 124 matches in total for Czech Republic.
Birthday of Henrik Ojamaa, who played for Estonia national team in period 2012-2023 (58 caps and 1 goal).
Poland footballer Piotr Zieliński is born today. He made his debut for national team in 2013 and earned 80 caps, scoring 10 goals.
Charles Antenen died at the age of 70. He appeared in 56 international football gamesand scored 22 goals for Switzerland team. Born on November 3, 1929.
International football venue Nuevo Estadio Antonio Amilivia was inaugurated in León. Since opening, 3 games of European national football teams were played on the stadium.
Stadionul Zimbru was opened in Chișinău. The venue hosted 59 football matches of European national teams.
Sándor Puhl passed away aged 65. He was a well-known international football referee from Hungary. Date of his birth: July 14, 1955.
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