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This day in European football history - June 28

Born on this dayDied on this dayClubs foundedVenues opened
What happened on June 28
Hungary referee István Zsolt was born 102 years ago. He is known to have officiated 37 international matches of European teams during the period from 1952 to 1971. Passed away on May 7, 1991.
International football venue Stadion Vojvodine was inaugurated in Novi Sad. Since opening, 13 games of European national football teams were played on the stadium.
Birthday of the international referee László Molnár from Hungary, who refereed 6 football games of European national teams
68 years ago, the former Austria football player Heribert Weber is born. He appeared for 68 matches in total and scored 1 international goal for Austria.
International football referee Ceri Richards from Wales is born on this day. He refereed matches of European national football teams (10 games in total).
Birthday of the Cyprus football referee Kostas Theodotou, who was an official at 6 international games of European association football teams.
Asen Peshev passed away at the age of 59. He played for Bulgaria national team in period from 1927 to 1936 (41 caps and 11 goals). Date of his birth: March 5, 1908.
Birthday of Stéphane Chapuisat, who played for Switzerland national team in period 1989-2004 (103 caps and 21 goals).
Rep. of Ireland footballer Kenny Cunningham is born today. He made his debut for national team in 1996 and earned 72 caps.
International footballer Fabien Barthez is born 52 years ago. He played 87 matches for France national team.
Poland referee Paweł Gil is born 47 years ago. He is known to have officiated 18 international matches of European teams during the period from 2009 to 2020.
Andriy Pyatov, Ukraine national football team player (102 caps), born this day.
36 years ago, the Romania football player Bogdan Stancu is born. He appeared for 53 matches in total and scored 14 international goals for Romania.
Estadio Municipal de Chapín was opened in Jerez de la Frontera. The venue hosted 5 football matches of European national teams.
Birthday of Kevin De Bruyne, who played for Belgium national team in period 2010-2023 (98 caps and 25 goals).
Greece footballer Tasos Bakasetas is born today. He made his debut for national team in 2016 and earned 55 caps, scoring 11 goals.
International football venue Skonto Stadium was inaugurated in Rīga. Since opening, 67 games of European national football teams were played on the stadium.
Daegu World Cup Stadium was opened in Daegu. The venue hosted 6 football matches of European national teams.
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