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This day in European football history - June 14

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What happened on June 14
Birthday of Borivoje Kostić, who played for Yugoslavia national team in period 1956-1964 (33 caps and 26 goals). Died on January 10, 2011, aged 80 years.
Former Netherlands footballer Piet Keizer was born today. He made his debut for national team in 1962 and earned 34 caps, scoring 11 goals. Date of his death: February 10, 2017.
International footballer Luc Holtz is born 54 years ago. He played 55 matches for Luxembourg national team and scored 1 goal. He was also a national team manager.
Håkan Mild, Sweden national football team player (74 caps and 8 goals), born this day.
Lucien Leclerq passed away aged 74. He was a well-known international football referee from France. Date of his birth: January 16, 1897.
40 years ago, the Belarus football player Syarhey Karnilenka is born. He appeared for 78 matches in total and scored 17 international goals for Belarus.
Birthday of Callum McGregor, who played for Scotland national team in period 2017-2023 (50 caps and 2 goals).
Former Finland national team player Veikko Asikainen died on this day aged 84. He earned 56 caps in total. Date of his birth: April 18, 1918.
Portugal national team played their 400th international match in Incheon against South Korea.
The 900th ever game of the Sweden national football team was held in Innsbruck vs Spain.
International football venue Kazan Arena was inaugurated in Kazan. Since opening, 12 games of European national football teams were played on the stadium.
Former Northern Ireland football referee Malcolm Wright died this day at the age of 83. He officiated in matches of national football teams. Born on October 12, 1932.
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