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This day in European football history - February 21

Born on this dayDied on this dayClubs foundedVenues opened
What happened on February 21
GKS Szombierki Bytom were established on this day. The club from Poland have won 1 domestic championship title.
Birthday of the international referee José Barberan from France, who refereed 8 football games of European national teams The referee died on February 9, 1998.
International footballer Ronnie Hellström was born 75 years ago. He played 77 matches for Sweden national team. Date of his death: February 6, 2022.
International football referee Jaroslav Jara from Czech Republic is born on this day. He refereed matches of European national football teams (10 games in total).
Birthday of the Ukraine football referee Ihor Ishchenko, who was an official at 7 international games of European association football teams.
Austria referee Robert Schörgenhofer is born 51 years ago. He is known to have officiated 28 international matches of European teams during the period from 2006 to 2019.
Gilbert Agius, Malta national football team player (120 caps and 8 goals), born this day. He was also a national team manager.
Birthday of the international referee Kevin Blom from Netherlands, who refereed 26 football games of European national teams
49 years ago, the Lithuania football player Igoris Morinas is born. He appeared for 51 matches in total and scored 7 international goals for Lithuania.
Birthday of Thomas Beck, who played for Liechtenstein national team in period 1998-2013 (92 caps and 5 goals).
Greece footballer Giorgos Samaras is born today. He made his debut for national team in 2006 and earned 81 caps, scoring 9 goals.
International footballer Jens Stryger is born 33 years ago. He played 51 matches for Denmark national team and scored 3 goals.
Rune Börjesson died at the age of 58. He appeared in 20 international football gamesand scored 17 goals for Sweden team. Born on April 5, 1937.
John Charles passed away at the age of 72. He played for Wales national team in period from 1950 to 1965 (38 caps and 15 goals). Date of his birth: December 27, 1931.
Former Spain national team player Amancio Amaro Varela died on this day aged 83. He earned 42 caps and scored 11 goals in total. Born on October 16, 1939.
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