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This day in European football history - August 20

Born on this dayDied on this dayClubs foundedVenues opened
What happened on August 20
International football venue Ibrox Park field was inaugurated in Govan . Since opening, 3 games of European national football teams were played on the stadium.
Netherlands referee Adrianus Boogaerts was born 98 years ago. He is known to have officiated 5 international matches of European teams during the period from 1965 to 1970. Passed away on June 8, 2010.
Birthday of the international referee Jan Redelfs from West Germany, who refereed 7 football games of European national teams The referee died on November 10, 1995.
Finland national team played their 100th international match in Tallinn against Estonia.
International football referee Ole Amundsen from Denmark was born on this day. He refereed matches of European national football teams (7 games in total). Passed away on January 30, 2019.
Birthday of the Sweden football referee Bo Helén, who was an official at 5 international games of European association football teams.
Népstadion was opened in Budapest. The venue hosted 195 football matches of European national teams.
Ukraine referee Oleh Oriekhov is born 56 years ago. He is known to have officiated 9 international matches of European teams during the period from 2004 to 2009.
International football venue Jack Murphy Stadium was inaugurated in San Diego. Since opening, 5 games of European national football teams were played on the stadium.
Former Sweden footballer Klas Ingesson was born today. He made his debut for national team in 1989 and earned 57 caps, scoring 13 goals. Died on October 29, 2014, aged 46 years.
International footballer Alban Bushi is born 50 years ago. He played 67 matches for Albania national team and scored 14 goals.
Birthday of the international referee Roey Reinshreiber from Israel, who refereed 9 football games of European national teams
Aleksandr Amisulashvili, Georgia national football team player (50 caps and 4 goals), born this day.
40 years ago, the Russia football player Yuriy Zhirkov is born. He appeared for 105 matches in total and scored 2 international goals for Russia.
Birthday of Stephen Ward, who played for Rep. of Ireland national team in period 2011-2018 (50 caps and 3 goals).
Abe Lenstra Stadion was opened in Heerenveen. The venue hosted 1 football match of European national teams.
The 100th ever game of the Liechtenstein national football team was held in Tirana vs Albania.
The match Poland vs Ukraine in Lviv was the 700th ever international match of Poland.
Former Romania national team player Costică Ştefănescu died on this day aged 62. He earned 64 caps in total. Date of his birth: March 26, 1951.
Jimmy McIlroy died at the age of 86. He appeared in 55 international football gamesand scored 10 goals for Northern Ireland team. Born on October 25, 1931.
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